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Thursday, 30. December 2010
Chapter 18 - Blood! Red! Love!
mickmick, 23:55h
well, congregation, it happened: bruna is in the hospital! it started with the break of dawn. blood! "blood has no part in a pregnacy!", said the doc. which explains the shock that drove us to the hospital. the doc-on-duty has - hesitantly, not to say shy - ordered an immediate admission. now i am dad2be, single dog sitter and straw-widower in one person...
the GOOD news: everything seems OK, as far as heart beats, growth and movements go, but it seems to be thin ice... nothing exact aint known, colloquiallly spoken... in any event, bruna is on TR&R (total rest and relaxation) and i will accept any kind of - according to my very own mom URGENTLY needed - assistance... :)
"the little mick has temporarily lost his honey and the three-headed dragon to the hospital and now urgently needs cooking, cleaning and all sorts of other assistance!"
but seriously: our optimism is still unbroken, together we will make it, NO DOUBT! hospital, shmospital! let us crave the soon-completed future:
lord, let it be april!
the GOOD news: everything seems OK, as far as heart beats, growth and movements go, but it seems to be thin ice... nothing exact aint known, colloquiallly spoken... in any event, bruna is on TR&R (total rest and relaxation) and i will accept any kind of - according to my very own mom URGENTLY needed - assistance... :)
"the little mick has temporarily lost his honey and the three-headed dragon to the hospital and now urgently needs cooking, cleaning and all sorts of other assistance!"
but seriously: our optimism is still unbroken, together we will make it, NO DOUBT! hospital, shmospital! let us crave the soon-completed future:
lord, let it be april!
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