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Saturday, 5. March 2011
Chapter 47 - general health state
mickmick, 23:59h
what a boring header... sorry, it sounds a lot more serious than need be, but i thought i'd do something totally unexpected... :)
weeeeelllllllllll: then, in the order received: benjamin by now has closed his ductus venosus and also very little other problems. he is - so to speak - doctors' and nurses' darling, for IF he is "calling" them - that means when his machine goes "ping" - it is mostly for being at the upper limit... the nurses call this - proudly or funnily? i think proudly! - "showing off"... :) besides that, he quite sometimes reaches spec oxygen saturation with as little as 22% oxygen in his breathing air. and almost everyone knows that "normal" atmospheric air only contains 21%. so he almost breathes alone. well, soon, anyways! on the scales he shines with 570 grams, almost his birth weight after not even 2 weeks, which would be spec for a "normal born", so not bad at all!
our little victoria is very brave, as well, gains weight in a hurry and at 555 grams is closer to her birth weight than her 2 minutes older soon-to-be bodyguard. also she has almost no noises at all that would point to an open ductus, anymore. unfortunately, she needs a bold 45% oxygen in her air, which is due to - according to the x-rays - some water in her lungs. therefore she will be treated with cortison for a little while, and then it will be OK again. for you, dear congregation, a very welcome opportunity to cross your fingers, yet again. thanx in advance for that!
our big little collin is sort of a conglomerate of his siblings: he is gaining weight allright, needs appeasingly little oxygen, ductus as good as closed... his problem are the ports for his infusions, slipping out; so he needs to be stung more often, a stress factor for everyone involved...
all things considered - especailly the 24 weeks of pregnancy! - our little three-headed dragon is doing extremely well! reacting beautifully to our voices, to physical contact... kangarooing is good for them, time is on our side: each day gets us closer to home-coming-day!
and, dear team, i know you will understand me, but just to once say it: home-coming is leaving you, and this is NOT meant "THIS" way! we continue to be very happy with you and feel excellentestly taken care of! but home is home and of course we want you to help other moms, dads and little dragons like you help us!
weeeeelllllllllll: then, in the order received: benjamin by now has closed his ductus venosus and also very little other problems. he is - so to speak - doctors' and nurses' darling, for IF he is "calling" them - that means when his machine goes "ping" - it is mostly for being at the upper limit... the nurses call this - proudly or funnily? i think proudly! - "showing off"... :) besides that, he quite sometimes reaches spec oxygen saturation with as little as 22% oxygen in his breathing air. and almost everyone knows that "normal" atmospheric air only contains 21%. so he almost breathes alone. well, soon, anyways! on the scales he shines with 570 grams, almost his birth weight after not even 2 weeks, which would be spec for a "normal born", so not bad at all!
our little victoria is very brave, as well, gains weight in a hurry and at 555 grams is closer to her birth weight than her 2 minutes older soon-to-be bodyguard. also she has almost no noises at all that would point to an open ductus, anymore. unfortunately, she needs a bold 45% oxygen in her air, which is due to - according to the x-rays - some water in her lungs. therefore she will be treated with cortison for a little while, and then it will be OK again. for you, dear congregation, a very welcome opportunity to cross your fingers, yet again. thanx in advance for that!
our big little collin is sort of a conglomerate of his siblings: he is gaining weight allright, needs appeasingly little oxygen, ductus as good as closed... his problem are the ports for his infusions, slipping out; so he needs to be stung more often, a stress factor for everyone involved...
all things considered - especailly the 24 weeks of pregnancy! - our little three-headed dragon is doing extremely well! reacting beautifully to our voices, to physical contact... kangarooing is good for them, time is on our side: each day gets us closer to home-coming-day!
and, dear team, i know you will understand me, but just to once say it: home-coming is leaving you, and this is NOT meant "THIS" way! we continue to be very happy with you and feel excellentestly taken care of! but home is home and of course we want you to help other moms, dads and little dragons like you help us!
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