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Monday, 7. March 2011
Chapter 48 - a pilgrim's progress
mickmick, 23:24h
wikipedia knows - in essence - the following definition: processes associated with the pilgrim's progress - two or three steps forward, then one back - are characterized by forward and backward motions or processes. example are manifold: the mannesmann brothers in germany have developed a way to make seamless tubes that functions like this... they paved the way to cheap bicycles, for instance, by making affordable tubes available in masses.
or pilgrim's progress linkages: they, too, exist. my university professor braune would be proud of me if he knew i remember this! they advance a long way, then go a short way back. needed for whool combing machines, for example...
and why do i tell you all this? because i dont know jack of medicine. especially neonatology. and because reducing something unknown to something wellknown gives security. collin's development, namely, is such pilgrim's progress: he had to be intubated again, unfortunately. the little big fighter was exhausted from fighting, today. he needs some rest, now. needs some assistance breathing, for a little while. after several successful steps forward, we had to take one back today. this is not always easy. i am convinced, the pilgrims - who gave the whole thing its name - viewed this the same way on their long pilgrimages.
luckily, wikipedia says a very important truth in the end: advance is slow this way, but the self-dictated task will be fulfilled and the goal will be reached, in the end!
we will reach our goal, there is not a doubt in my mind! especially with transcontinentally crossed fingers!
or pilgrim's progress linkages: they, too, exist. my university professor braune would be proud of me if he knew i remember this! they advance a long way, then go a short way back. needed for whool combing machines, for example...
and why do i tell you all this? because i dont know jack of medicine. especially neonatology. and because reducing something unknown to something wellknown gives security. collin's development, namely, is such pilgrim's progress: he had to be intubated again, unfortunately. the little big fighter was exhausted from fighting, today. he needs some rest, now. needs some assistance breathing, for a little while. after several successful steps forward, we had to take one back today. this is not always easy. i am convinced, the pilgrims - who gave the whole thing its name - viewed this the same way on their long pilgrimages.
luckily, wikipedia says a very important truth in the end: advance is slow this way, but the self-dictated task will be fulfilled and the goal will be reached, in the end!
we will reach our goal, there is not a doubt in my mind! especially with transcontinentally crossed fingers!
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