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Monday, 14. March 2011
Chapter 61 - up - down - off - on
mickmick, 23:58h
the nurses take the full range of it, by now: up and down... when one is quiet another will be sure to sound his or her alarm. we're in for something, i can tell! :) but, we wanted it this way. and hey, guess what? we still like it this way and will continue to like it this way all the way into the future... :)
another attempt on a status, in a little more technical terms:
benjamin at the moment is the one most stable. today he even breathed without any assistance whatsoever... ordinary breathing air, like you and me. and OF COURSE he did so, while i couldnt run and see as i had collin on my wide chest... *sigh* they do that to me on purpose! :)
collin has - unfortunately - re-opened his ductus venosa... what a drag! but i got an explanation as to how this actually works, closing a blood vessel by means of medication. being the engineer, i am always interested in the design perspective & approach to problem solving. and IF nature is operating with the insultingly huge bandwidth she's using, at least i wanna get the how-to... take heed, though, this is a layman's explanation in layman's terms, so dont nail me to it! here it goes: blood vessels in themselves only stay open as long as their receptors are provided with certain messenger substances in the blood.. so, basically, separating the receptors from the messeger substances does the trick. and the ductus venosa has exorbitantly many of these receptors, which means that the effect the separation medication inevitably has on the other blood vessels is respectively weaker and thus can be sorted into the "side effects" category... OK, thinks the engineer, nature also just puts her pants on one leg at a time! and being a cunning medic, one can make use of just this! which makes me repeat my statement from chapter 36: thank you for every minute of each lesson in your studies!
so, collin is at the moment on his last attemt to close his ductus by means of medication. crossed fingers, please!
victoria... well, i dont really know where to start. but there really are many good news. all the more surprising that all this is not enough for cancelling the alert, but rather "only" change it from ORANGE to YELLOW... but it is a step down the right path. the sum of several "ones" is always greater than one, while the sum of many "zeros" remains nil.
and: she does react to our voices very clearly. even if we are not yet allowed to kangaroo her again, yet, she turns her head our way, opens her eyes and smiles!
in essence: what a fighter at that age!
all finger crossers continued thanks!
another attempt on a status, in a little more technical terms:
benjamin at the moment is the one most stable. today he even breathed without any assistance whatsoever... ordinary breathing air, like you and me. and OF COURSE he did so, while i couldnt run and see as i had collin on my wide chest... *sigh* they do that to me on purpose! :)
collin has - unfortunately - re-opened his ductus venosa... what a drag! but i got an explanation as to how this actually works, closing a blood vessel by means of medication. being the engineer, i am always interested in the design perspective & approach to problem solving. and IF nature is operating with the insultingly huge bandwidth she's using, at least i wanna get the how-to... take heed, though, this is a layman's explanation in layman's terms, so dont nail me to it! here it goes: blood vessels in themselves only stay open as long as their receptors are provided with certain messenger substances in the blood.. so, basically, separating the receptors from the messeger substances does the trick. and the ductus venosa has exorbitantly many of these receptors, which means that the effect the separation medication inevitably has on the other blood vessels is respectively weaker and thus can be sorted into the "side effects" category... OK, thinks the engineer, nature also just puts her pants on one leg at a time! and being a cunning medic, one can make use of just this! which makes me repeat my statement from chapter 36: thank you for every minute of each lesson in your studies!
so, collin is at the moment on his last attemt to close his ductus by means of medication. crossed fingers, please!
victoria... well, i dont really know where to start. but there really are many good news. all the more surprising that all this is not enough for cancelling the alert, but rather "only" change it from ORANGE to YELLOW... but it is a step down the right path. the sum of several "ones" is always greater than one, while the sum of many "zeros" remains nil.
and: she does react to our voices very clearly. even if we are not yet allowed to kangaroo her again, yet, she turns her head our way, opens her eyes and smiles!
in essence: what a fighter at that age!
all finger crossers continued thanks!
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