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Sunday, 20. March 2011
Chapter 67 - on alert(s)...
mickmick, 02:04h
well, for it is - ever since moses returned from mount sinai - a proven concept, first the good news... victoria's alert level can with ordainment and authorization be lowered to green. the little mouse has still a huge bandage on her arm, but otherwise gets great fun out of her life, even leading the weight gaining contest, at the moment. she smiles, glances, grabs fingers and hypnotizes her kangaroo until it snores...
bottom line: alert is on green
benjamin is flying under radar so far, even if re-intubated. needs a little R&R. and everybody keeps hoping that he won't hatch something new. but at present there are no such indications.
therefore: alert level in on greenish-yellow
collin. well, first off, collin is a fighter just like his sister. from two different, very experienced doctors independently there was a lot of information today, in what different directions it may go from here and what according means and measures can be taken accordingly. of course, among them are some more comfortable and others more risky. BUT: the infection is withdrawing, says the blood test. the decision - surgery yes or no - will be made within 48 hours.
so, alltogether still a red alert, but as any cloud, it, too, has a silver lining.
therefore: please, please, keep crossing them fingers, gather spiritual energy, bundle it and send it their way, everybody. you make 5 people very very happy!
bottom line: alert is on green
benjamin is flying under radar so far, even if re-intubated. needs a little R&R. and everybody keeps hoping that he won't hatch something new. but at present there are no such indications.
therefore: alert level in on greenish-yellow
collin. well, first off, collin is a fighter just like his sister. from two different, very experienced doctors independently there was a lot of information today, in what different directions it may go from here and what according means and measures can be taken accordingly. of course, among them are some more comfortable and others more risky. BUT: the infection is withdrawing, says the blood test. the decision - surgery yes or no - will be made within 48 hours.
so, alltogether still a red alert, but as any cloud, it, too, has a silver lining.
therefore: please, please, keep crossing them fingers, gather spiritual energy, bundle it and send it their way, everybody. you make 5 people very very happy!
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