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Saturday, 19. February 2011
Chapter 29 - Fire!
mickmick, 10:07h
Our three-headed dragon wants to spit fire and got the hiccups! what slight foretaste of what's to come over the next eighteen years! but lets look at the details in order:
the uterus' mouth we caught secretly sneeking in its shortening turned into a massive cervix insufficience yesterday! and everyone knows, after "short" comes "open". and contractions - although not even recognized and identified as such by bruna - were there, too. so, into the race van and to the hospital. examinations, swaying heads, serious faces... devices, syringes, pain... inspection, incubators, happy mommies... my fassade of cool joker annihilated, the underlying scared daddy peeking out at every corner, a doctor pets my back, comforting. walking hera, sandwich, home. the (first) real jumpy night. then, this morning, bruna texts me: "contractions gone, babies will be measured soon" phew, we made it.
we extiguished the fiery hiccups of our sweet three-headed dragon! hopefully this does not turn chronical! and 8 more weeks to the alamo!
the uterus' mouth we caught secretly sneeking in its shortening turned into a massive cervix insufficience yesterday! and everyone knows, after "short" comes "open". and contractions - although not even recognized and identified as such by bruna - were there, too. so, into the race van and to the hospital. examinations, swaying heads, serious faces... devices, syringes, pain... inspection, incubators, happy mommies... my fassade of cool joker annihilated, the underlying scared daddy peeking out at every corner, a doctor pets my back, comforting. walking hera, sandwich, home. the (first) real jumpy night. then, this morning, bruna texts me: "contractions gone, babies will be measured soon" phew, we made it.
we extiguished the fiery hiccups of our sweet three-headed dragon! hopefully this does not turn chronical! and 8 more weeks to the alamo!
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Thursday, 17. February 2011
Chapter 28 - elvis presley, samuel morse and the shortened neck
the cake in the potty
the cake in the potty
mickmick, 18:23h
some days are sweet'n'sour, apparent oxymorons, bring the most beautiful experiences and the adversest of conditions together. today was such a day...
the most beautiful experience was that i felt movements through mommy's belly for the very first time. weak morse code from the soon-to-be-born triplets! ticktick, tick, tickticktick... unbelievable! the radio played elvis, "in the ghetto". and just like the little prince with his stars and laughing bells, elvis' "ghetto" will forever be my first contact to my three-headed dragon...
unfortunately, this little "cake" did fall into the "potty", after all: we had to go and see the doctor, urgently and on shortest notice. and he had no chance but to confirm the uterus' neck (the cervix) had shortened to barely more than one inch now, where there used to be an opulent two! so, from here on out, strictest R&R is the order of bruna's day, reading, snoozing, watching TV - until the day of light...
and that's eight weeks from now, minimum! so, dear support group, keep your fingers crossed!
the most beautiful experience was that i felt movements through mommy's belly for the very first time. weak morse code from the soon-to-be-born triplets! ticktick, tick, tickticktick... unbelievable! the radio played elvis, "in the ghetto". and just like the little prince with his stars and laughing bells, elvis' "ghetto" will forever be my first contact to my three-headed dragon...
unfortunately, this little "cake" did fall into the "potty", after all: we had to go and see the doctor, urgently and on shortest notice. and he had no chance but to confirm the uterus' neck (the cervix) had shortened to barely more than one inch now, where there used to be an opulent two! so, from here on out, strictest R&R is the order of bruna's day, reading, snoozing, watching TV - until the day of light...
and that's eight weeks from now, minimum! so, dear support group, keep your fingers crossed!
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Friday, 11. February 2011
Chapter 27 - germans, italians and their cars
mickmick, 18:39h
we're mobile! good golly, miss molly! i proudly present (ex-hunter (bow!) that i am) our new giant three-headed-dragon-transporter...
while bruna is still wrestling with sheer distance.
parking could still pose a problem, but mere "driving" is satisfactory so far.
we're bound to be in for a little overhaul rather sooner than later - however, this should be doable, as well.
we do have a team mobile! :)

while bruna is still wrestling with sheer distance.

parking could still pose a problem, but mere "driving" is satisfactory so far.

we're bound to be in for a little overhaul rather sooner than later - however, this should be doable, as well.
we do have a team mobile! :)
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Saturday, 29. January 2011
Chapter 26 - a cave for the three-headed dragon (I)
mickmick, 00:13h
perfectly obvious: kids need a room. so do ours. at the moment luckily just one.
so, if one has tireless helpers like beate or my parents, wall paper, glue, paint, curtain rails, lumber boards, bars and withes under heavy use of glue machine, scissors, cutter, drill and screw guns, sander and vacuum will relatively swiftly make for a cool room that maybe not everybody has.
since this is "work in progress" there are no fotos, yet. but time will come. soon.
for the moment we holler a big "THANX" across the creek...
to be continued.
so, if one has tireless helpers like beate or my parents, wall paper, glue, paint, curtain rails, lumber boards, bars and withes under heavy use of glue machine, scissors, cutter, drill and screw guns, sander and vacuum will relatively swiftly make for a cool room that maybe not everybody has.
since this is "work in progress" there are no fotos, yet. but time will come. soon.
for the moment we holler a big "THANX" across the creek...
to be continued.
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Chapter 24 - ground hog day?
mickmick, 23:36h
we've been at the doctor's. again. and i start feeling a bit like bill murray - in the very beginning of what turns out to be his nightmare: every day is just marvellously OK: good news as far as i can see: they all grow, hearts beating, moving, all the exact same size, even the size of single embryos.
bruna is full of energy ever since she came back home from the hospital, like the energizer bunny!
everything seems so easy-going, so light...
at the moment everything is REALLY good. so, we decided to embrace that ALL new concept, this never-seen-before thing: we enjoy it.
we can worry when the time comes, no? :)
bruna is full of energy ever since she came back home from the hospital, like the energizer bunny!
everything seems so easy-going, so light...
at the moment everything is REALLY good. so, we decided to embrace that ALL new concept, this never-seen-before thing: we enjoy it.
we can worry when the time comes, no? :)
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Saturday, 15. January 2011
Chapter 23 - a belly on the edge!
mickmick, 01:44h
big, bigger, triple pregnant! the photo should be self-explanatory. the number is the week of pregnancy. pretty big, such triplets belly, no? but we can top that, promise! :) to be continued!

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Chapter 22 - One kilogram human being
mickmick, 01:42h
first and foremost: i know it sounds odd, but i still think it is pretty funny. just depends on point of view... so, shame on evil thinkers!
well, today we had another measurement at the doctor's. taking the result ahead: everything is (still) good! they all grow, are in the normal area of size, they are even as big as a single child would be! and still they are almost exactly the same size: 24 centimeters or almost 10", head2toe. and they weigh 350 grams! threehundredandfifty! each! times three! incredible! and we're only half-way! so far we were afraid there would be "not enough child", now it looks like there is "too much"... maybe we should just drop the fears for joy... :) fear sucks! as opposed to kids, THEY continue to be VERY COOL!
well, today we had another measurement at the doctor's. taking the result ahead: everything is (still) good! they all grow, are in the normal area of size, they are even as big as a single child would be! and still they are almost exactly the same size: 24 centimeters or almost 10", head2toe. and they weigh 350 grams! threehundredandfifty! each! times three! incredible! and we're only half-way! so far we were afraid there would be "not enough child", now it looks like there is "too much"... maybe we should just drop the fears for joy... :) fear sucks! as opposed to kids, THEY continue to be VERY COOL!
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Chapter 21 - The delphic oracle's greatgreatgreatgreatgrandcousin's son in law
mickmick, 01:41h
nature "learned us something" again, today. us humans, that is. she showed us how small and insignificant we and our desires really are. well, 50% of us, anyways: bruna! cause when she went out gender-peeking again - in other words: ruin MY perfect moment of joy and gratefulness and happy surprise in the delivery room - the kids "learned her": not only were the legs firmly closed, one even held its hand out to cover "it"! sure of victory and gleefully grinning dad2be (me!) thinks "told you so!" and thanks nature for the intervention. there's a right time for everything. and today was the time of the oracle. so, everything in green and yellow. still. :)
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Chapter 20 - Don't get mad, get even!
mickmick, 01:30h
today is competition day: many people asked us who has the greater circumference, bellywise. therefore we went ahead and measured. we are both winners: EXACTLY EVEN! only that bruna is deeper, while i am wider... :) hera was beaten by a long shot, as easily seen in the picture: 3rd place, bronze medalist! :)

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Friday, 7. January 2011
Chapter 19 - Home sweet home!
mickmick, 18:16h
Well, we shoot, we score - another successfully completed adventure, just as it's meant to be: bruna is back home.
at this point a warm "thank you" to al the little and big helpers, angels and assisting spirits who made the hospital stay so pleasant! with that supreme a care nothing CAN go wrong, really.
now we will - of course - continue down that path at home, the day bed is already built, the watch dog instructed, fire made, water and foood prepared and placed and the entertaining electronics standing by... from here on out there will be nothing for mama than rest and relaxation. the rest will - and probably for the next 18 years - fall in MY lap... :)
STILL: no changes on the bottom line: kids are cool!
at this point a warm "thank you" to al the little and big helpers, angels and assisting spirits who made the hospital stay so pleasant! with that supreme a care nothing CAN go wrong, really.
now we will - of course - continue down that path at home, the day bed is already built, the watch dog instructed, fire made, water and foood prepared and placed and the entertaining electronics standing by... from here on out there will be nothing for mama than rest and relaxation. the rest will - and probably for the next 18 years - fall in MY lap... :)
STILL: no changes on the bottom line: kids are cool!
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